Wednesday, January 6, 2010

12/25/09 - 12/31/09

Here's a little picture diary of my winter break in California. (mostly for my cousin's Debut "18th birthday")

Flight - (Dallas,TX - Sacramento, CA)

(first half of flight)

My brunch

Thanks to my Uncle, I was able to get first class and fly comfortably. (^_^)

(second half of the flight)

I was unable to capture every moment on camera...
Basically we...
-played Cranium,
- ate late dinners,
-did some Parkour,
-had car raves,
-played charades,
-knocking out in groups of 2's 3's and 4's.


Before this we ate at In n' Out, well kind of. We had to eat in the car & outside because in n' out was WAY crowded...something about girl's softball teams.


There was a department store sized Forever 21 :). I believe it replaced Gottschalks.
We went to H&M and it was basically time for the mall to close so we didn't get a lot of shopping done, but hey, we got some shopping done.

Flight - (San Jose, CA - Dallas, TX)

That was only during lift off...I was too tired to get the landing, but yea, that was my trip. I hope you all had a wonderful winter break, and if you're still on your winter break, like me....I hope you're still having a great one.

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