These are my buddies in journalism. On the left is ASHLEY, me (of course), and on the right Savanna.
The font has nothing to do with importance. (^_^)
It's fun being around them in journalism. The classes is pretty cool, but them being there to talk to is even cooler. The time passes faster.
Ashley: Is from Holland. She's is quite spunky. Really funny and friendly. She makes me use different faces to the things she says. It's fun to talk to her. Let's just say that she makes me want to go to Holland and be in a different country because meeting people like her would be a-o-k for me.
P.S. Thanks for laughing with me at my corny jokes.
Savanna: She is one smarty. She is clever to me, she and I have somewhat of the same humor. It's kind of cool. She looks at me like I'm a weirdo when I say my jokes but she laughs non-the-less. Thanks for your courtesy, you make me feel so good. hahaha :P
Anyway, they're cool. And if you don't have friends like need to get you some. (^_^)
that's all today.
fact: Journalism is a pretty class.
fact: I can type these little smilies pretty fast.
fact: my friends just read this blog before it got published.
fiction: I am a ROBOT!